Arroyo Grande

Program F.1-2 describes the city’s intent to “address and remove, replace or modify the use permit requirements for multifamily development in multifamily zones to promote certainty in the approval process, increase objectivity and address the CUP and MUP requirements as a constraint” (p. 23). Chiefly, why is a use permit required to build multifamily in a multifamily zone? Additionally, Program G.1-3 from the adopted 2014-2019 housing element reads as follows:

The City shall amend the Development Code to allow development of up to 15 multiple-family attached units in the MF and MFA zoning districts with a Minor Use Permit (MUP) subject to design review through the Architectural Review Committee. Development of over 15 multiple-family attached units in the MF and MFA zoning districts shall require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). p.127

The timeframe for completing Program G.1-3 from the 2014-2019 housing element was within two years of Housing Element adoption; however, the report on the status of this program reads as follows:

The City has not amended the Development Code. (p. 127)

This program was not completed in the last housing element, and it is reasonable to expect that a similar level of effort will be given to the program in this cycle’s housing element. HCD should reject this program and require more definitive and aggressive actions and timeframes.

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