
The City of Encinitas analyzed its zoning capacity assuming all of its sites would be developed; however, there is no analysis in their housing element of the likelihood that development would occur at any, or even one, of those inventoried sites. Between 2013 and 2018, Encinitas permitted or entitled 71 homes for lower-income households, which is approximately 6.9% of the city’s total lower-income zoned capacity (1,033 homes). Taking this assumption that zoned capacity for dwelling units for lower-income households has a 6.9% chance of being built during the 6th Cycle—no analysis or evidence exists to suggest a higher rate will be observed than was in the 5th Cycle—Encinitas should zone for 12,145 lower-income dwelling units (0.069 * 12,145 = 838) in order to achieve its 6th Cycle RHNA of 838 dwelling units for lower-income households.

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