South Pasadena – Take Two

A local Watchdog continues to monitor the situation and reported to Abundant Housing LA and YIMBY Law that South Pasadena sent draft housing element materials to the state without disclosing them to the public. Our organizations continue to press the city to have a more inclusive and transparent process and now direct our comments to HCD to share our concerns.

Dear Director Velasquez,

We are writing on behalf of Abundant Housing LA and YIMBY Law regarding South Pasadena’s 6th Cycle housing element update. Abundant Housing LA is a pro-housing, nonprofit advocacy organization working to help solve Southern California’s housing crisis, and YIMBY Law’s mission is to make housing in California more accessible and affordable through enforcement of state housing law. We support more housing at all levels of affordability and reforms to land use and zoning codes, which are needed in order to make housing more affordable, improve access to jobs and transit, promote greater environmental sustainability, and advance racial and economic equity.

In September 2020, AHLA shared a letter with the City of South Pasadena expressing serious concerns about the City’s 2021 Housing Element Update - Preliminary Sites Analysis from the July 21, 2020 Planning Commission Agenda Report. Together with YIMBY Law, we followed up in March 2021 with a second letter, highlighting many inconsistencies and potential violations of state law in City memos and presentations on the housing element update.

Download the PDF to read more.