Santa Clara County

Santa Clara County jurisdictions are part of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). All ABAG housing elements are due January 2023.

Allied Organizations

Peninsula for Everyone | South Bay YIMBY | Silicon Valley @ Home | Palo Alto Forward | Los Altos Affordable Housing Alliance | United Way Bay Area | CA YIMBY

Join your fellow activists and organizations in Santa Clara County by signing up as a volunteer and include one or more Santa Clara jurisdictions in the “Cities of Interest” field.

Santa Clara Calendar

This is a shared calendar hosted by Peninsula for Everyone and South Bay YIMBY, and shows upcoming public meetings or Campaign events related to housing elements in San Mateo and Santa Clara County jurisdictions. Add a calendar event at

Santa Clara County Info

All incorporated cities as well as the unincorporated area of Santa Clara County are “jurisdictions” that are required to plan for housing and produce housing elements.